Board of Cemetery Trustees

Board of Cemetery Trustees (3-year term)

The City of Menominee owns and operates Riverside Cemetery. 
Responsibilities of the Board include:
  1.  The management, regulation and control of Riverside Cemetery;
  2. Adopt rules and regulations relative to the care, preservation and management of the cemetery; and
  3. Establish fees associated with the cemetery.

The Cemetery Board meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 11:00am at City Hall Council Chambers, 2511 10th Street, Menominee, MI 49858.

The Cemetery Board is made up of three residents. Members are appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council and serve a 3-year term.

It is our intent to ensure a proper balance is maintained between the quiet, beautiful and reposeful nature required of the final resting place for loved ones, while also providing for a variety of recreational uses.

Jane Raygo  05/02/2024
Rachel Greenwood 05/02/2024
Richard Bastien 05/02/2026
Brett Botbyl (City Manager) Chair
Kathy Brofka (Clerk\Treasurer)