Condemnation Board

Condemnation Board (3-year term)

While not always the case, real estate can be condemned by the governing condemnation board or an approved private entity if the surrounding property or structure is deemed unsafe or unusable in its current state.

Inhabitable properties or structures are locations that are not fit for human habitation due to structural or surrounding unsafe property damage issues or lack of basic amenities. Some of the consequences of inhabitable structures or properties are:

  • They pose a health and safety risk to the occupants and the surrounding community, as they may collapse, leak, or emit harmful substances.
  • They reduce the quality of life and well-being of the people who live or work in them, as they may suffer from poor ventilation, sanitation, lighting, heating, or cooling.
  • They increase the environmental impact and greenhouse gas emissions of the buildings, as they may require more energy and resources to maintain or repair.
  • They limit the potential for economic development and social inclusion of the areas where they are located, as they may discourage investment, tourism, or innovation.
Mitchell McRae (Detective\Sergeant) 09/09/2026
Jim Weiland (Assessor) 09/09/2026
Russ Mayhew 09/09/2026
Brett Botbyl (City Manager)  
Mike Celello (City Attorney)